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Wow! One of the very coolest things happ

About 5 years ago, I painted a house down the street from where I lived at the time. The house had no special significance for me. I loved the ferns that hung in the porch and just thought it would be a compelling subject. I thought the owners might be interested so I stopped by one day and showed it to Megan, who was working out in her garden. She was touched by my interest in her home and we chatted for a bit, but when she went inside at one point, I assumed that was that and left. 

You can imagine my surprise then when I found a comment from her on a photo of the painting just this week! It turns out that she and her husband have been trying to find me and this painting since that day when, it turns out, she had actually gone inside to ask her husband how much to offer for it.

After some searching at Bay View Gallery Nights and keeping their eyes open, her husband noticed a painting I had done of the Hi-Fi Cafe and recognized my style. They had recently purchased a house elsewhere and were moving out 2 weeks later so they thrilled to have found me and gotten this special memento of their house, as well as a piece I did of the church next door to them.  

Speaking of kismet, I realized that my painting had come to the attention of the Hi-Fi Cafe because my stepson had recently joined Instagram and left comments on many of my paintings, so he gets a little credit for bringing this whole thing together!

August 1st, 2019


I painted my friend Heather's beloved chihuahua Buttercup for a commissioned portrait. Heather loved the painting and said it captured Buttercup extremely well. I love painting animals, and pets especially as it gives me a chance to bring out the beauty that their owner sees in them.

August 2nd, 2018


Chris commissioned this portrait of him and his wife Janine for their 15th anniversary. She says, "I love it just as much as I love the man who came up with such a wonderful idea."

April 25th, 2015

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